Project Partners
Company of Psychosocial Research and Intervention (EPSEP) is a non-profit organization of the social economy, based in Ioannina, the largest town in the Region of Epirus which is situated in the north-west part of Greece. Epirus itself is one of Greece’s 13 administrative regions and, according to Eurostat, one of the poorest regions in Europe. EPSEP operates on a significant number of personnel (at least 40 persons) which covers a range of specializations (psychiatrist, psychologists, sociologists, social workers, nurses, physiotherapists, administrators, accountant and additional staff). In the context of its activities and for the implementation of its actions EPSEP cooperates with appropriate specialized executive personnel and utilizes volunteers as needed. It is run by a 5-member Board of Directors while its scientific work is supervised by a Scientific Director. Company of Psychosocial Research and Intervention (EPSEP) is registered in the Register of NGOs of the Greek Ministry of Health, as a nonprofit organization that provides primary and secondary social care services. The organization implements a Management System and has the capacity to apply for new and current Projects. The range of its partners includes bodies of the wider public sector. For more information, please visit:
Greek Carers Network EPIONI is a national non-profit organization established in 2016 by a group of citizens who are caregivers or former caregivers. We aim to support individuals who work as informal, unpaid carers of family members or friends struggling with a physical or mental illness, disability or addiction. EPIONI activities include organizing informative events, providing information about health issues, sharing good practices for the benefit of carers and providing carers with practical advice and emotional support. To materialize its vision for carers in Greece, EPIONI is also actively involved in promoting key policy changes through national and EU legislation. EPIONI is a member of several European and national organizations that can support the dissemination and exploitation of project results.
EPIONI is also registered in the Hellenic Register of Voluntary Non-Governmental Organizations. For more information, please visit:
The University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče in Croatia provides inpatient mental health care for 7000 patients a year and outpatient treatments for users mostly from Zagreb and surroundings (0,8M). With about 700 employees (among them 60 psychiatrists, 8 psychologists, 8 social workers, 2 social pedagogues, and 260 nurses), UPH Vrapče is an integral part of Croatian health care system; the care is free of charge for the users, covered by a state-owned insurance company. The owner of the UPH Vrapče is Zagreb City, which provides the continuity of financing of various programs if needed, and supports the hospital’s infrastructural enhancements. For more information, please visit:
The Local Health Unit Roma 2 (ASL Roma 2) in Italy is a public socio-sanitary organization operating since 1980 for the improvement of citizens’ health within its socio-environmental context. To satisfy citizens’ health needs, especially those of the vulnerable population, ASL ROMA2 guarantees community and hospital assistance. Within ASL ROMA2, the Mental Health Department (DSM) represents the agency responsible for programming, coordinating and implementing mental health interventions of the adult population. ASL ROMA2 territory lays on the city of Rome, with an extension of circa 466 square kilometers, equal to 36% of the whole territory and has a resident population of 1.300.000 inhabitants equal to 45% of the total residents For more information, please visit:
The Danish Committee for Health Education (DCHE) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, which was founded in 1964. More than 40 people are currently employed in DCHE. DCHE has close working relations with public authorities like the Ministry of Health, the National Board of Health and private organizations in the health field. The membership organizations are primarily professional associations in the health field and the associations of county councils and local authorities. Sponsored by mainly public health authorities, DCHE develops and produces health promotion material on many themes and to many target groups. Themes include child and maternity health, alcohol, tobacco problems, chronic conditions, mental health, infectious diseases etc, DCHE has worked extensively with patient empowerment during the last 10-15 years by gaining specific expertise in developing, implementing and evaluating patient education, where the trainers consist of health professionals as well as volunteers of non-health professionals. DCHE has been implementing the programs in almost all 98 municipalities and at several hospitals in Denmark – using a combination of research, events, engagement activities, and political analysis to create European impetus – e.g. by the founding of ENOPE, the European Network on Patient Empowerment, leading the PiSCE project, participating in the PRO STEP project, and now being the Danish representative in the Joint Action CHRODIS+. For more information, please visit:
Associated Partners
The Department of Psychiatry of the University of Montreal, at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal in Canada. Jean-François Pelletier, PhD
Professeur agrégé (Associate Professor) | Département de Psychiatrie | Université de Montréal Chercheur (Researcher) | Centre de Recherche de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal
The Municipality of Ioannina constitutes the traditional dynamic urban centre of the Region of Epirus and the main urban centre of Western Greece, after Patras. With a population of approximately 112.486 inhabitants, the Municipality of Ioannina is one of the 10 largest Municipalities, in terms of inhabitants, in Greece. For more information, please visit:
ENIK is a Recovery College, a school for education on recovery and personal development. ENIK is fully run by peers (persons with lived experience) and offers a lot of courses, workshops and other training programs, including WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) and a number of recovery groups on various themes such as loss, trust, meaning-making, as well as theatre and exercise groups, and critical discussions on psychiatric services, and also a cafeteria where people can meet. It is a safe place for persons who want to work on their personal experiences in a non-medical and non-psychiatric way. So basically, ENIK is a centre for self-help and self-development with a focus on empowerment and support based on the wishes and preferences of the person. Its users are regarded as students, and ENIK offers and facilitates the courses based on demand. The keywords of the organization are Hope, meaning, opportunities and strength. For more information, please visit:
The Panhellenic Association for Psycho-social Rehabilitation and Work Integration (PEPSAEE) is a scientific non-profit organization established in 1996 in Athens, Greece. It aims at facilitating the social inclusion and work integration of people with psychosocial problems. One of PEPSAEE’s main services is the Alternative Rehabilitation Activities Office. This alternative office, which is located inside a small theatre, brings together mental health professionals, artists, employees, volunteers and users and combines art with the methodology of “Recovery” in order to help people with mental health problems in their way to social integration. More than 50 art and culture groups and many artistic and cultural events are taking place and are attended by more than 300 people with depression or psychosis every week. They will support research activities in Greece. For more information, please visit:
The European Psychiatric Association (EPA) with active individual members in as many as 88 countries and 44 National Psychiatric Association Members who represent more than 80,000 European psychiatrists, is the main association representing psychiatry in Europe. The EPA’s ( activities address the interests of psychiatrists in academia, research and practice throughout all stages of career development. The EPA deals with psychiatry and its related disciplines and focuses on the improvement of care for the mentally ill as well as on the development of professional excellence. They will support upload the International online course on Recovery in their training platform and disseminate the results in their newsletter and social media. For more information, please visit:
NCSR-IIT-Eservices/health unit and Dr Homer Papadopoulos who is leading the unit has successfully taken part and coordinated several European and national e-services projects like Intermed, TilleIppokratis USEFIL, ProFouND and ReAAL, ConCorde, REMOTECARE, HEALTHNET. The unit and Dr Papadopoulos successfully coordinated the health Projects, Intermed , the FP7 project and others. Within the realm of these projects the IIT and the Eservices/health Unit has extensive expertise in managing multidisciplinary and Multinational partnerships and consortia. IIT has the capacity with high qualified researchers (PhD) and managers with skills and expertise in implementing large, international information systems projects.The NCSR D/IIT Institution has extensive experience with participating and coordinating many EU and National funded Information and Communication Technology projects where almost 90% of its project portfolio over the last three years is related to mobile and electronic web services projects.
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